Self Acupuncture
The mere mention of the word acupuncture brings to our mind an old Chinese man with a long, white beard and needles. But self-acupuncture dispels this notion.
The idea that self-acupuncture was possible, sounded preposterous and unbelievable. It contradicted the whole concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine and clubbed it with other New Age self help treatments. The theories that support the foundation for acupuncture are based in centuries of experimentation, study, and philosophical contemplation. You cannot just read a book and master it.
But it is not totally wrong as well. Acupuncture is not an activity that can be carried out by a person with hardly any training. But at same time, it is quite harmless. If you use sterile needles and keep the insertion points clean, there is not much harm caused by a novice. But still there are no great benefits too.
However there is a legitimate form of self acupuncture that was developed some years back by a Dr. Zu De Ye at the University of Arizona. Since then, it has spread and is available in clinics across the world. It is based on a theory called as the “fractal theory.” This theory was developed on the basis of principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but improvised them more. To understand its operation, you should be open to accepting the idea the Universe is made up of parts that are microcosms of the whole.
E.g. our body is a microcosm of the Universe itself. The forces that operate in the Universe are also operating within the human body. When the human body is out of sync with this cosmic unity, sickness occurs. When in harmony, wellness occurs. The fractal theory improvises this concept further. Parts of the body can also denote the whole. This idea is the basis of things like ear acupuncture where the ear is regarded as being a human form curled into a fetal position. It is also the basis of Korean Hand acupuncture in which all the points and Meridians of the body are found within the hand.
The completely developed fractal theory has helped in discovery of specific certain points on the human body that are really microcosms of whole organic systems. Results can be achieved by stimulating these points with very small needles. It consists of inserting only one needle in certain very specific and easily located key points on the body. Dr. Ye’s treatment has helped patients to practice this type of self acupuncture. The needles are small, and the points in safe positions, thus reducing the danger. The benefit of self acupuncture is that there is no need for practitioner for the treatments, thus saving time and money. Although there is a need to carry more research, there are some signs showing that the self-acupuncture using principles of fractal theory may very soon become another healing treatment.