Thursday, May 3, 2007

How To Lose The Pot Belly

Weight loss is both a mental and physical process. First, you must have a strong desire to lose weight and look stunning. So once you've decided to lose weight and burn all the fat in your body, you should make that commitment and follow it with a positive attitude. Another is a physical process of exercise. Cardio workout is an excellent way to lose weight. But many are scared by the thought of losing potbelly with cardio and sit ups. Though we would wish for a miracle to occur, it is not possible. Losing weight needs time and effort if you don’t have the suitable approach and encouragement to help you.

But there is a way out where we don’t have to perform the painful situps and yet lose weight and enjoy a flat abs. By following the right directions and correct guidelines, you can get a flat stomach and look shapely. These are some simple and useful tips and ways you can follow easily to get the desired results.

To achieve something in life you must think like a winner. Always tackle it with a positive attitude and commitment. Slimming down and losing weight does not simply involve diets. It's about reinventing yourself and the prospect of creating a new life for yourself.

It is possible to lose 50 pounds in a week if you keep on exercising all day long and eat nothing but celery. But this is not practical and safe. Remember slow and steady wins the race. Set your goals small, achievable and practical. You’ll see you have achieved more.

Walking to lose weight is simple, fun, inexpensive and low impact form of exercise to include in daily life. Walking for weight loss is a simplest weight loss exercise that is an alternative to increase the calorie deficit needed to bring about weight loss. It is one of the excellent slimming methods.

Always keep a food dairy of what you had eaten and what you plan to eat. Eat 5 small meals daily instead of 3 big meals and always begin your day with a break fast and don’t eat 3 hours before sleeping.

White bread is not healthy. Research has proved that people eating more refined products like white bread have higher chances of putting on belly fat.

Don’t shop when you are hungry or you will wind up purchasing more fattening food. Always eat before shopping for food and carry a grocery list. Buy only the food that is on your weekly diet program.

Weigh yourself once each week and keep a record of your weight loss.

Don’t skip your meals as eating increases your metabolism hence skipping meals can reduce your metabolism. Always eat slowly and chew each morsel fully to reduce your appetite. Chew everything 10 - 20 times and count. Drinking hot water instead of cold water can increase the pace of your metabolism and burn more calories.

Always use egg white in preparing dishes like Omelettes. It has very low fat and lot of protein.

When you want to achieve any goal you have set for your self you always require a moral support and the best moral support can be given by those who have already achieved the goal or on the way to achieve. Hence find a weight loss buddy or participate in support group. It will let you stay on course with your goal.

Lastly, remember lose weight for yourself, not to keep others happy. Also drink at least 8 glasses of water daily. Water helps in reducing water retention, as it is a diuretic.