Cabbage Soup Diets For Weight Loss
Cabbage soup diet has become one of the popular diets throughout the world. People who want to lose weight must have attempted it or thought about following it at some time or other. Cabbage soup has yucky taste but because people consider it to be beneficial, they opt for it. But besides being a fad diet it can also harm your health. Cabbage soup for rapid weight loss is a very dangerous diet. This is why.
Although there is no "official" version of this diet, as nobody wants to take credit for introducing it, there are different cabbage diet plans based on eating plenty of cabbage soup, and hardly anything else. Claims made for the cabbage soup diet include the cabbage soup’s fat burning properties and huge amount of weight you can lose weekly. This diet is usually considered as a fast method of losing weight for a special occasion and most followers recommend that it should be followed only for 7 days. The method of preparation of cabbage soup to increase its effectiveness for weight loss is just to boil it in water, add little salt and you are through. It has the most disgusting tastes amongst all the soups.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of cabbage?
The good news is that cabbage is a great source of vitamin K and vitamin C. Eating a raw cabbage salad maximizes the intake of vitamin K and C (vitamin C deteriorates rapidly at high temperatures so cooking the cabbage more reduces the chances to save its essential vitamins). Moreover a cup of cabbage provides you with nearly 15% of your daily fiber needs.
The cabbage diet uses the fact that though rich in vitamins, minerals and omega 3 fatty acids, the cabbage does not contain calories. A cup has nearly 33 calories and keeps you full longer. Cabbage moves very slowly through your gut, thus delaying hunger pangs.
What happens when you eat only cabbage soup?
If you eat nothing more than cabbage soup, your body will quickly detect you have a problem and will stubbornly hold onto its fat reserves. A healthy amount of fat is necessary for the functioning of the brain, so your brain will shift from using fat from food and reserves to using fat present in muscles and important organs. The brain is the most self-centered organ in our body. It will shift your body’s metabolism to ensure nothing will hamper its proper working. You become lethargic as the brain “realizes” there is a shortage of food and it will reduce your activity to save your energy for as long as possible. So all that happens is that you lose muscle tissue and feel down and depressed.