Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Weight loss is an important goal for many people due to their ever-growing waist lines. Acupuncture for weight loss is a distinct approach to the subject.
Acupuncture for Weight Loss
Acupuncture is a highly effective treatment method to treat weight loss. Weight loss is one of the most classical examples illustrating the similarities and differences in the treatment procedures followed by Tradition Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine. They are similar as both of them accept that a person can have weight problem due to various reasons. Also both of them accept that any treatment must be accompanied by diet and lifestyle changes to get results. They differ a lot in the treatment methods from a clinical overview.
The acupuncturist uses a treatment regimen that works to effectively eliminate the main problem that leads to higher weight. This regimen will depend on the patient taking into account those factors that are ignored by the Western Medicine. Even the diehard skeptics of acupuncture accept its effectiveness in treating weight loss. They focus their criticism on explaining other reasons for the effectiveness of the treatment. One reason attributed is that on inserting the needle, endorphins are released into the body. These “feel good” chemicals are believed to help in suppressing the appetite.
There may be some truth in this as many acupuncture treatments are followed by keeping a small pad on the acupuncture point. A little pressure is exerted in between treatment sessions. This pressure is applied when an urge to overeat is experienced and helps in controlling the urge and keeping the diet on track. Even the diehard skeptics accept acupuncture is harmless. Unlike various types of chemical diet treatments, the prospects of addiction or harmful side effects are absent.
The acupuncture treatments will depend on the actual diagnosis made by the practitioner. The first step involves complete physical examination. This examination may look strange to a person who is ignorant about the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It will examine the tongue minutely and include palpation of internal organs. It will consider the full history of the patient and his lifestyle. Note that there are various schools within acupuncture itself. Classical Five Element acupuncturists will concentrate deeply on various lifestyle issues. This type of acupuncture aims to treat the body, soul, spirit, and mind of the patient, so as to bring about total harmony.
Acupuncture treatments for weight loss consist of many long sessions. Sometimes results are evident very quickly. At other times, it can take a long time and sessions must be repeated for a long time to achieve any weight loss success. For complete success, the acupuncture treatments should be used in conjunction with different herbal supplements. The treatment plan should also incorporate other issues like diet and exercise. If performed properly and with a strict adherence to the full program, the chances for success are very bright. But it is not the “quick fix” that many overweight people resort to.