Relaxing Techniques
After a hectic day at work, a lazy soak in a warm, soothing tub of water sounds very inviting. Spas and hot tubs offer a mode of treatment for various medical conditions, injuries, or providing relaxation and stress relief. Hot tubs are also a romantic way to relax with your loved ones.
The Romans were the first ones to use spas and hot tubs as is evident from their famous bathhouses that became the center of social life and a normal routine for the elite. The earliest spa users (Romans, Japanese and Chinese) knew the health benefits of using hot water to relax the body and promote overall health.
When first immersed in hot water, the body tries to restore to its normal temperature by pumping the heart faster leading to short-term rise in blood pressure. The longer you remain in the spa, the more times the blood flows through the body. The warm blood results in dilation of the blood vessels, thus reducing the resistance to blood flow and lowering the blood pressure. The muscle-relaxation effects of hot water also benefit dull muscle pain and help eliminating lactic acid and other metabolic wastes.
The water jet found in spas can also help healing by increasing oxygen supply to the affected area. This results when the heat and pressure from the jets increase the level of antibodies and white blood cells sent to the area, leading to destruction of harmful cells and helping the formation of new tissue. There are various spas with water jets but choose the one with less piping as it causes less friction being applied to water flowing through the pipe. The massaging water jets hence work with great force in all the seats of spas.
People with conditions that hamper body motion, like arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or paralysis will benefit from bathing in a hot tub. The warm water provides relief from aches and pains, while loosening joints.
Historically, spas and hot tubs have been regarded as a luxury item for the elite. With the rapid development in spa technology, materials and manufacturing in the last some years, they have become dependable and cheaper for many people. This has made it popular not only for the relaxation and stress relief but also to treat various medical conditions and injuries.